Basic sourdough bread

Uses a 100% hydration starter (“mother”) ripened and added to a preferment. Also uses an autolyse to hydrate the flour and encourage gluten formation.

This will make an 80% hydration dough based on 1kg total weight of flour among the starter, preferment and bulk flour.

Makes 2 loaves.


  • 150g flour
  • 75mL room temperature water
  • 30g ripened (“fed”) starter

Combine in a bowl and allow to rest until doubled in size


  • 850g flour
  • 650mL room temperature water

Combine gently in a large bowl and rest 30 to 60 minutes. Anticipate the dough to double in size.


  • Preferment, as above
  • Autolysed flour, as above
  • 70mL room temperature water
  • 20g salt

Dissolve 20g salt into 70mL room temperature water. Add the brine to the preferment and combine by pinching the brine into the sponge.

Add the preferment to the autolysed flour, and combine. Knead the dough for 3-5 minutes until smooth and stretchy.

Leave dough in the bowl to ferment. Fermentation can take as little as 4 hours at room temperature to 12 hours while refrigerated. If refrigerated, allow dough to warm to room temperature before shaping.

Divide the dough and shape. Proof the dough until it has doubled in size, again several hours or refrigerated.

Preheat a cast iron dutch oven in a 480°F oven. Transfer the shaped loaves to the dutch oven, being carful not to deflate the loaves or injure hands. Slash the tops of the loaves about 1cm deep with a sharp knife or baker’s lame, and cover the dutch oven. Bake covered 30 minutes at 485°F. Uncover the dutch oven and bake an additional 25 minutes at 450°F until well browned.

Cool 30 minutes on a rack before slicing.

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